A big thank you to Lauren of Tangible Treasures for nominating me for The Very Inspiring Blog Award!
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Nominate a list of bloggers that inspire you
4. Inform your nominees by commenting on their blog
7 Facts About Me
1. Let's start with chocolate since it's easter.. My favourite easter chocolate is the Lindt bunny
2. I am going to re-read the Harry Potter series as I can't really remember what happens past the 4th book
3. I have acquired an unhealthy addiction to Buzzfeed...
4. My new favourite summer drink is Crabbie's Ginger Beer
5. I only recently realised that visiting the bar at the Shard in London is free! Go and see the cityscape it is beautiful!
6. My love for long walks is making a return with the appearance of the sun
7. I have learnt two things since visiting the Real Food Market at Southbank: Duck and goats cheese goes SO well together and Bailey's cheesecake is something I am going to try and master myself!
My Nominees

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